Note: Take note how often translations of scripture in contemporary English are quoted, and contrast to the idea that only Latin was used prior to the Reformation. Also, Saint Thomas is not fun at parties, nor is he a satisfactory contractor.
Such a day you shall have Saint Thomas' day, that was Christ's holy apostle, and shall fast until the even. And especially you shall worship him for the virtues that this holy apostle had, that is to say, for his high proving of our faith, for great wonders in his way, and great miracles upon his day.
This holy apostle proved our faith so much, that he left no scruples in any part therein. For when all the disciples believed and told him that Christ was risen from death to life, and they had seen him live and spoken with him, Thomas answered and said he would never believe until he had put his hand in his side in the wound of the spear. Then eight days after, when all the disciples were together and Thomas with them, then came Jesus bodily to them and said to them, "Peace be with you." And then he said to Thomas, "Come and put thy finger into the holes of the nails that pierced my hands and put thy hands into my side, and be no longer out of belief, but be hereafter steadfast in believe." Then when Thomas had so done, anon he cried for wonder and for fear and said: "My Lord and my God." That is for to say: now I believe that Jesus art very God and man. Then said Jesus to Thomas: "Thou hast seen me, therefore thou believest, but blessed be they that see me not and believe in me." Thus the tarrying of Thomas leave brought us in full belief and to the benison of Jesus Christ. Of this saith Saint Gregory thus: "Thomas of India helped me much more to the faith, that would not believe until he had handled and groped the wounds of Christ, than Mary Magdalene that believed anon at first sight." Thus Thomas proved our faith.
He made also wonders along his way. For when the king of India had sent his messenger, that is Abbanes, into the country of Ceasar to seek him a carpenter that could make him a palace, then CHrist spake with this Abbanes and sent Thomas to India with him. And when they had passed over the sea, they came into a city, of the which the king's daughter was wedded that day. Wherefore each man was commanded to come into the meat. Then among the others Thomas and Abbanes came into the feast. But because Thomas had all his thoughts on God and had no lust to eat, the bottler smote him on the cheek and bade him eat. Then Thomas said to him, I will not rise out of this place until that hand is gnawed by dogs and brought here before me." Then anon after this bottler went to get water, a lion slew him and drank his blood and dogs ate his body, among the which was one black dog that took his hand in his mouth and brought it into the hall in the sight of all men and laid it down before Thomas. Then was there a woman, a minstrel, that understood Thomas' words, the which anon fell down at Thomas' feet and cried so that all men heard, "Either thou art God or else God's disciple. For right as thou saidest, it has befallen." Then was the king and all men abashed and prayed Thomas to bless his daughter and her husband. Then Thomas preached to them both so that he made the husband bishop of the city and the wife a nun, and both were martyrs afterwards for God's sake.
Then went Thomas forth to India to the king, to make the king a palace, one bold and brave enough for a king. Wherefore the king was glad and made to deliver to him a great sum of gold for to make the palace with, and so went to another country while Thomas should have made that palace. But Thomas thought it would be better to make him a palace in heaven and earth, therefore he took his money and dealt it out among poor men and women and others that were needy, and so afterwards went about and preached God's word to the people and turned many of them to the faith of Christ. Then after, when the king came home and had great hope that his palace was ready, and heard what Thomas had done, he was mad with wrath and would have killed Thomas and Abbanes. But because his brother had died about that same time, therefore he put them both in prison until after he had buried his brother.
Then, as God would, when his brother had long been dead, he rose from death to life and told the king that he had seen the palace that Thomas had made for him: "Wherefore I pray thee, let me buy it and I shall give thee as much as it cost thee." The king then reconsidered, and by good counsel he said, "Nay, that shall be mine, let him make thee another." For his brother said he had seen it in paradise arrayed with gold, silver, and precious stones. Then he took forth many thousand people with. Then the bishops of Mohametry (Islam) saw that all the people left their law and went to the Christian faith. Wherefore they were so wroth with Thomas that one of them said that he would wreck his god, and with a spear ran through Thomas throughout his body and slew him. Then Christians buried him in a tomb of crystal, where God wrought many wonderful miracles for him, but for his hand that was in Christ's side. It was never in the tomb but lay without.
Also in his preaching he taught [a large paragraph of Latin].
He doth also many wonders on his day. For all the country cometh thither on his day and take [hosul] of that hand in this wise: the bishop of that city singeth the mass that day, and, when he beginneth the mass, or he says his Confiteor, he taketh a branch of a vine and putteth it in Thomas' hand and so goeth forth to mass. Then this branch fruits with grapes, and he wringeth it into his chalice and singeth with that wine and so [hoseleth] all the people. But when any cometh that are unworthy, anon the hand closeth together and will not open until he be shriven clean, and then it will open and [hoselen] him. Also when men are in debate, they are brought before the tomb of Thomas and the hand is suspended on twine. And when the cause of debate is rehearsed, then will the hand turn to him that is in the right. Thus he proveth our faith and did wonders in his way and great miracles on his day. John Crysostom sayeth that Thomas came into that country where there were three kings of [Coleyn], and they followed him and he made them Christian men. For after they worshipped Christ as his birth, they heard no more of him, and therefore Thomas came to them and taught them the faith.
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